The Blue Sharpie Incident

As a mother of 4 children under the age of 7, I have seen some very interesting moments. I have had neighbors call the house to tell me my kids are on the roof, I have learned how to change diapers one handed (due to a nasty fall UP my porch steps which ended in a broken arm), I have been told that I am the meanest and worst mom every about a thousand times. I keep thinking that I'm going to have something happen to me that tops the blue sharpie incident and am surprised that nothing has occurred yet. However, each day brings a new fresh hell...but I digress.

The blue sharpie incident took place in my home 3 years ago when my daughter Maisy was 4 and my son Wyatt was 3. I had just had a newborn and the oldest two were acting up a little bit more than usual. Which was such a joy at that time.....
One night James Henry, the baby, decided to go to bed early! I took this opportunity to put the older two kids to bed and hit the hay myself. Despite the complaining from Maisy and Wyatt I managed to get them tucked in (after I was forced to do 3 silly dances and sing 2 silly made up songs) and off to dream land.
I remember sliding into my own bed, next to my already snoring husband..grrr.., thinking what a joy it was to be going to sleep! Just as I was easing into a really fabulous dream I was awoken by a crying child. I remember looking up at Maisy and thinking, "Hm. I know I just woke up, but boy does she look weird." I rubbed my eyes and kept looking at her and realized that she definitely DID look weird and something wasn't right. She of course was crying, and I couldn't understand anything she was saying. It sounded kind of like "" I stood up and turned on the light and almost pissed myself. Maisy had taken a blue sharpie (permanent mind you) and colored her entire face blue. Not just a little bit of her face. Her ENTIRE FACE. Eyelids, nostrils, lips, ENTIRE face. Had I not been so mortified I would have stopped to take a picture, but I couldn't believe my eyes! I started having horrible thoughts of Maisy being teased at school for being Smurfette. I grabbed her and ran her into the bathroom mand brought out the ancient tub of cold cream that everyone has, and started wiping...and wiping....and then wiping again. It took me 1 hour to get it all off, and even then she had the blue tint of someone that had held their breath too long.
I calmed her down, and myself by taking a quick shot of tequila, and took her back to bed. We talked pretty seriously about markers and as I was tucking her in she says this "Um, Mom. I colored Wyatt too." !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I didn't know what to say. I ran to his room and sure enough....there my little guy was. Mouth open, drooling and blue. Although he must have tossed and turned while she tried to do it because he just had squiggly lines across his face....however, she did color the inside of his ears blue! *he had blue ear wax for MONTHS.
I will forever remember Wyatt's expression as he was woken up to the biggest cold cream scrub down ever. He was shocked and horrified.

The blue did end up going away...but not for about a month. Blue Sharpies have been forever banned from our house.
