Me vs. Her

Violet has decided to try to show me who is the boss by having staring contests with me. Usually I cannot win these. I just can't help it! You should see what she does! She looks at me with those big blue eyes and starts making faces. Big O hilarious faces, and then really scary teethy mean faces. She smacks her hand at the air, stomps, growls, whatever she can do to emphasize that she's in control.
I usually start laughing and she laughs too and then gives me a hug, says some gibberish, and then runs to the table where she climbs up and starts throwing things right away. Just to say, "Yep, I'm too cute for you lady. I can get away with anything. I'm the youngest child! Hear me roar!"

So, what I have done is start putting on my sun glasses. Which, if you can believe it, works like a charm. She can't see my eyes, so she does all of this stuff while looking at me (in my crazy Bono style bug sunglasses). When I don't start cracking up, which is really hard and I have to bite my cheeks not too, she gives up and closes her eyes....opens them..and then looks away to the right. Then she sneaks a peak back in at me. Then SHE starts laughing. Like "Ok. You got me, you crazy bug eyed freak. You're in control. I don't stand a chance against your crazy eye power".

It's a small victory for me.

She's also extremely terrified of being swung into the air, something she used to love with a passion. I would pick her up from the floor and swing her way up above my head and repeat. She would giggle and laugh and just love it. I don't know what happened but I tried that move today and she went nuts. she dug her fingernails into my arms, drawing blood, and started screaming. I laughed and said,"Hey! What's wrong. You love this?" She answered me by attaching herself to me like a koala, I didn't even have to hold onto her...she was on me like glue.

POWER SHIFT. Victory is mine!

Now I did swing her around a couple more times, not to be mean but because I honestly couldn't believe that she was suddenly afraid...and I didn't like that my fearless little girl all of a sudden was scared.

I spent most of the afternoon helping her overcome her fear. I don't know if she dreamed I dropped her or something or was such a strange sudden onset of scared....but by 5:00 she was not afraid anymore and was back to her little big self.

This was hard for me. I had her beat. I had crazy bug eye stare down thing, and swing you in the air and scare the shit out of you thing going for me. I think maybe I could have cured her of throwing away the silverware and possibly stop her from tossing my china off of the table/counter/cabinets. But I couldn't do it. I was like Spiderman...with great power comes great responsibility.

So I'm back to letting her rule the roost......for now.... Besides, I'm getting great exercise running around the kitchen dodging plates! :) AND we all know that I don't rock the Bono bug sunglasses look, I need to come to terms with that.
