Violet Creates a New Word and School Starts

Having tired of the usual words that she normally throws at us when she is mad, Violet has created a new one.  I would like to say that it is a totally original and made up word, but she went straight for the kill and has combined two already well established words:  Mean and Penis.

You guessed it.  We are all now Meanis.

I have to say that I much prefer being called Meanis, to Penis.  Meanis will actually probably not get her in trouble at school--and that is a plus.  Of course if she is yelling it at people, she may get a slap on the wrist...but it won't be the jaw dropping response that "Penis" would bring.  Of course if she could just say "Meanie" things would work better, but this is Violet we are talking about.

The big kids started school today and I now have a 5th, 4th, and 1st grader.  They each woke up at the crack of dawn, got dressed, and stood by the door...and waited for about an hour.  I kept saying, "We have plenty of time you guys...why don't we just eat breakfast...we have like AN HOUR." But they would not budge from their excited positions at the front door.

Violet starts her first year of pre-k tomorrow and I have been freaking out about it.  This is it.  This is the kid that is going to get notes sent first one.  I just don't know what to do.
Those thoughts have been racing through my mind until today.  Today when we loaded everyone up for school, Miss Violet grabbed her book bag.  Now Violet doesn't start school until tomorrow afternoon--but she was pretty sure it was this morning.

She was all shined up and ready to go.  And I had to tell her that today was not her day.

Today quickly became not her day and not mine as well.

At first she refused to believe me. She kept giving me looks like, "Lady. What's wrong with you. Obviously everyone is going to school.  I mean, look at the book bags."  She was right.  There was convincing evidence.

When we got to school we walked James Henry, and another poor little sweet boy who was having a meltdown, into the classroom.  James's teacher, Mrs. C. Hawn, already knew that was nice--and she told him to go ahead and pick out a desk.  Before James could move towards a desk Miss Violet was on it.  She ran to a desk. Took the chair down, smacked it so James would come sit down, and then moved to the next desk...put a chair down...and sat.  All ready for school.

This was heartbreaking.  The girl who has been a nervous wreck about going to school was excited about school! And I was about to tell her that she couldn't go.

I said, "Violet...we have to go home now.  You don't go to school until tomorrow."  She once again gave me the "Look at all this evidence" incredulous look.  Hands on hips and everything.  I had to pick her up and haul her out of that room.

We hit the hallway and the pout started.  As soon as we got to the front doors the tears started rolling. She cried...silently.  There was no "Meanis!" yelled at me....or anything thrown.  Just sad, silent sobs, as she realized that this was not her first day of school.

It was heartbreaking.  My proud little warrior was crushed.

Of course that meant a trip to the Dollar Store to buy her a little toy--actually that was the only way I got her into the car. Promises of the dollar store.

So, another year begins.  Another year of crazy happenings, new words, and hair pulling moments.  Another year where I don't find enough time to spend with the kids--and spend lots of time in guilt trip mode.  Another year where they and I get older...possibly wiser.

What would I do without my four children?  Yes, there are days where I swear up and down that there is "NO WAY YOU ARE MY KID!", and days where I slink away from them in the store when they start fighting, "I just don't know WHO those kids belong to!"...but there are more days where I am proud to be the mom of such special and original kids.
Even if they call me "Meanis."
