Is it the first day of school yet?

Violet measures everything in days.

"How many days until Daniel Tiger's mom has her new baby?"

"How many days until Grandma and Grandpa come see me?"

"How many days until Christmas?"

"How many days until Kindergarten?"

When I answer her with the appropriate number of days I'm usually met with a loud, "Ugggghhhhhhhh. TOO MANY. Tell me AGAIN."

Like the number is going to change? I usually just say, "Tomorrow. Yep. 1 day" because I get sick of her whining and pouting about it. And I think, "Well, she'll forget."

Yeah. No.
She never forgets anything.

You can tell Violet, at 7am, that you will bring her a Pony Packet home after work and think, "She'll never remember. If I don't have time to get it, she'll be cool" and be quickly proven wrong.

There she will be, nine hours later, waiting at the door "Got my pony packet?"

I've never met anyone like Violet. I know, I've said that a lot. It's the truth though. She's something else. When people ask me to describe her I usually just say just that, "Well, she's something else."

You can't put Vi into words. No labels. Once you think you have her figured out, she switches things up.

I cannot believe she's getting ready to go to kindergarten. Remembering the great pre-k fiasco of 2012/2013....I decided to start prepping her early for the big K. We've been driving her by her future school for 6 months now.  We even get out of the car and practice walking up to the door.

Yesterday we went inside and walked around. Her orientation isn't until tonight, but I knew she would need a day to scope things out without a bunch of people walking around.

As we walked up to the school she said, "I'm kind of nervous about this."

I'm glad that she can tell me when she's feeling nervous and scared and anxious. I was always a quiet worrier...often stuck in the bathroom in the throes of "I'm so worried about everything!" gastric distress.

I'm also a little shocked that she ever worries about anything....because that kid is a force.

She's like a Thunderstorm in a little body - a STRONG little body. I cannot begin to tell you how many times she has beat James Henry up this summer - however, I will say that when it comes down to betting on who wins, our money is always on her. She's strong, smart, quick, and mean.

Oh yes. Violet is really mean. Violet is also really really snotty. She says things to me that I would never DREAM of saying to other people. And she does it in that little brat sing song voice. Hands on hips, head swinging back and forth. We're all perplexed by her ability to be so nasty. How can a 5 year old child be so vicious?

But then she turns and is the most wonderful sweet girl on the planet. She will go from hating her brother to being terribly concerned for him. "I'm sorry I just kicked the shit out of you. Need a hug?"
 If someone does needs a hug, she's there. Don't ever bad mouth her siblings, she may just kill you. She's also very mindful of her siblings (when she isn't hating them) always making sure that if she gets a present they do too.

And as much time as she spends being snotty...she spends just as much being a dear. I'm not sure if I have ever met a better snuggler.

So with kindergarten fast approaching I find myself perplexed. Am I sad that my little tyrant is officially a big kid now? Or am I celebrating?

There's this big tug of war going on inside me in which I say, "Holy hell! We made it! She's going to school! High fives all around" and also "Crud. That's my baby."

Although I've never felt like she's my baby. Violet doesn't need taken care of....Violet takes care of herself.

So, in some ways I'm not worried about her at all.

And in other ways, I'm terrified for her.

I'm wondering when I'll get the call from school where someone says, to quote Tracy Parson, "And then...she went boneless."

I've never been called from the school for the other kids (with the exception of them being sick or injured). Not the case for Violet.

She's not a bully or picking on other kids, but if she doesn't want to do it....she doesn't do it.

We're all still laughing about the chair throwing school picture incident of 2012.

Last night I was getting her ready for bed and said, "One more day! My big girl is headed to school."

She looked at me and said, "Yep. I'm big girlin. But.... Can I still be your babyin?"

I said, "You'll always be my babyin." To which she replied, "Good. Oh. And don't look at those other kids when we go to school. They are NOT cute."

Did I mention Violet is jealous? Green Eyed Monster truly does her jealousy no justice ..... I'll save that for another blog.
