Violet was here!

Hello! I haven't sat down and blogged in awhile. I could blame this on laziness or lack of creativity but I'm going to just put it all out there and blame Violet. She's like a toddler sized psychic vampire. The kids sucks all of the energy and life out of me. Keeping up with her and all of her crazy antics has basically broken my spirit. I live each day awaiting the new fresh hell that's around the corner.

Today I discovered that somehow, and I truly don't know how she did this without me noticing, she has managed to take the back off of the upstairs toilet and has been storing many many treasures in it. I was in that bathroom putting some comforters in the linen closet and decided to answer nature's call....only my toilet (which Chris finally fixed) looked a little off. I stared at it a minute and realized that the back top lid thing was shifted to the side. I instantly thought, "Hm. Did I do that when I was cleaning?" then I remembered that I generally attempt not to clean that bathroom. No one uses it because the light doesn't work and the kids are afraid of the dark. After that realization I started to move in slow motion, knowing that Violet had probably "been there." (this is what the kids say when a mess appears out of Nowhere "Violet was here!!!"

I tilted the top off of the toilet and 17 little people stared back at me. No, not actual little people but the Little Tykes little people. The other day I was playing with her in her room and noticed the absence of the little people but thought she had probably just thrown them away, as she does everything (silverware, cups, books, wii remotes). Nope. There they were, stacked as high as the top of the toilet and I think they looked a bit forlorn. Poor little things. As I started to rescue them from the toilet I heard a little noise. There Violet was, standing in the bathroom door frame with a look of shock on her face. I pulled a little person out and showed her and she said, "NO NO JAMES!" and she ran off.

I came back downstairs with all these little people that now needed little baths, to find while I was upstairs she had dumped an entire bag of flour all over the kitchen floor, how she got this out of the cabinet I don't even want to know.

See. It's things like this that are killing me. I try to find the joy in it. I really do. I mean she IS going to grow out of this...right?

Oh! I better go. She just slammed James' fingers in his bedroom door. God be with us.
