Happiness and Cheer

The last several days have been super stressful for me. Slit my wrists stressful. I won't go into all of it but it's mostly due to the fact that I live with Mr. Grinch and his 4 clones.
However, recently my mother told me a story of another mother's misfortune that brightened this old face of mine and made me feel good. Isn't that awful? Something bad that happened to someone else made me feel good?
She is a friend of mine on Facebook, and I won't give her name, but I will say that she has twin boys that are either 2 or 3 and a little girl close to 5. I'm not sure how old her daughter is. Anyway, she's busy. Just like me.
Well, one of her children drank some sort of red beverage and proceeded to get sick and throw up, all the way down her carpeted stars, meanwhile the other toddler climbed the Christmas tree and rode it all the way to the ground...breaking the tree stand.
What's this you say? Other people have kids that do this crap too! It's not just me? SERIOUS!?
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Big Sigh. I have been nervous for years that my kids were some kind of super villains, but now..now I know that although they aren't "normal" there are more like them in this world. This should terrify me, really, but it doesn't. It makes me happy!

While I pondered the existence of other super villains something struck me. Why do I let them stress me out so bad? Sure, a toddler playing in a toilet that hasn't been flushed is rather upsetting....but it isn't the end of the world. Kids that fight constantly will drive you crazy, but it will stop.

So, I've decided to sit back and just enjoy the insanity. It's what life is about...right?
