New Year's a Comin!

I was walking by my computer when the photo slideshow caught my eye; it was playing pictures from this past July...and in black and white. I don't know if it was the wine that made me pause (little bit wobbly after some spirits) or just the pure beauty of my children.

Sometimes I hate the fact that they are so incredibly insane. Well, ok...MOST OF THE TIME, I hate the fact that they are so incredibly makes me forget how truly beautiful that they are. Watching their pictures scroll by in black and white (without noise or commotion) brought tears to my eyes. There they were at the fair on James's birthday. Violet accepting her major award, James Henry posing next to every single tractor he could find, Wyatt and Maisy with painted faces.....Chris sweating his ass off in a collared shirt....seriously? Still trying to wrap my head around that one. It's 100 degrees and he wears a collared shirt to the fair? What? All his sleeveless ones were in the laundry at the same time? I'm seriously still pondering

A new year means that my little children will be getting bigger, learning new ways to torture me, growing up. SOmetimes I wish I could just put them in slow motion. Ok, you got me. I wish I could put them in slow motion all of the time, it would really help me out.

The problem with having 4 kids is that there is no time to enjoy them. I'm always cleaning up after them, doing their laundry, making them food, bathing them, running them around, breaking up fights....I never just get to sit back and play. That makes me feel like a terrible mother. Yes, I do play tractors once in awhile...I read Violet little books, I TOTALLY KICK MAISY AND WYATT's BUTTS at Wii....but not near the amount of time that I would like to.

I spend much of my time yelling at them. WHy do I let them get me so upset? I'll tell you why. THEY ARE FREAKING ANIMALS.
I LIVE IN A ZOO. But when I see these little animals in black and white scrolling slowly across my computer screen I realize something.....I will never get these insane years back. Someday I will miss them, someday I will have a super clean house and no one to wait on....and someday I will miss all of insane as that sounds right now, I know it's true.

Well, I better go. James Henry just ran by yelling, "The New Years a Comin! The New Years A Comin! Grab your knives and pitchforks!" I don't know what that is about...sounds like a cross between Shrek and Paul Revere's ride. Either way....sure fire way to awaken the kraken (Violet).

Many blessings and much love to you all in the new year ahead, from my zoo to yours.
