Nudist Party of 1, please?

I am very easily distracted. A trait that I'm not proud of and drives me insane. I have a very hard time staying on task sometimes. Normally I can blame the children, but most often it's because I remember a task that I was supposed to do earlier...amid other task...then I run to do remembered task...and then I'm behind on the task I was before...yada yada yada. It's a vicious circle.

Well, this morning I had decided to sleep in a bit, work out, clean the house, take a shower and then take the kids to the park for a picnic. Everything happened in that order...just very slowly due to all the Violet stops and starts. Oh, and because I got a wild hair and had to go transplant some hostas to a different place in the yard....(see what I mean).

Anyway, around 1:30 it was finally time to take a shower.

I don't know if you have ever been in my house, but my bedroom is located directly off the kitchen. And we have a door leading to a nice big deck directly off of the kitchen.

I gave up being modest a long time ago. So, my children are used to seeing me naked. THis is their fault because they won't leave me alone for a second and I have to bathe/change clothes at some point.

Anyway, taking a shower requires bribing Maisy to watch Violet...which is about the equivalent of selling my soul.

I finally convinced her (through a bribe of hershey's bars) to watch her sister and headed to my bedroom to take a shower (I have a master bath). I took my clothes off (sorry, no sexy strip scene...I think I may have tripped over my bookbag and ended up head first in the dirty clothes basket) and started the shower. While waiting for the shower Facebook beeped on my computer and told me that my friend Natalie had sent me a message. So, I sat down (in the nude) to type her back. Mid-conversation with Natalie I remember that I had some steaks in the freezer that I should thaw out for Chris to have for dinner.

I got up from the computer and walked out of my bedroom into the kitchen. I slowly walked over to the fridge and stopped in horror. James Henry had been playing on the deck and had come in the house....and left the door wide open....



Right at that moment of horror James came running through the kitchen and yelled, "OH! FULL MOON!" and ran back onto the deck...not shutting the door. I came to my senses and screamed and ran to the bedroom in a panic.

My neighbors have a deck on their side of their house as well...that is directly across from my deck. Ruh roh. Also, if you are on main street heading south and turn left and look towards my can see right into my kitchen when the door is open.


I'm pretty sure I flashed my neighbors and the whole town of Farmer City.

Good thing I've been workin' out....
