Attack of the Tooth Fairy

James Henry has been desperate to lose a tooth.

For years now he has watched his older siblings lose their teeth and receive rewards from the tooth fairy. I think he's been wanting to lose a tooth since he was about three years old.

So today was an epic day for him. He finally lost that first tooth.

When I got to school to pick him up, he burst through the door and ran towards me waving his tooth, "MOM! MOM! I LOST MY TOOTH!"


I was very excited for him.

Violet was also excited.

A little too excited.

"James, I see your tooth? I hold it! I keep it? Can it be mine!"

As I watched her say this she kind of morphed into Gollum from Lord of the Rings, if she could have said, "My precious" in a gollumesque way, I think she would have.

She ripped James's tooth from his hot little hand and said, "I hold for you. I keep safe."

James looked doubtful.

As did I.

We both managed to wrestle it from her and I honestly thought that this would be the end of the whole tooth issue. I should have known better.

All night long Violet listened to us tell James about the tooth fairy. How the tooth fairy would sneak into the house, which Wyatt demonstrated in a very dramatic way (involving hand gestures and lego guys), and snag the tooth from underneath James's pillow...and then leave a gift, usually money.

I should inform you all that Violet woke up on the wrong side of the bed today. All day she has been vengeful and full of wrath and rage. I honestly didn't realize how much she truly wanted that tooth for herself, and perhaps I should have taken note of her obsession with it after school.

When it got to be bedtime I couldn't find Violet. This is pretty normal, as she avoids bedtime like I avoid dusting. But after awhile I was getting kind of worried. I seriously couldn't find her.

Now, Violet disappears a lot. Usually she goes to my neighbor Annie's house to play on her front porch OR she will just let herself outside to the trampoline to bounce off frustration...but she does this during the day, not when it's dark.

I was seriously beginning to get worried, then I remembered that Chris was working in the garage and I assumed that she had gone out there to hang out with him - so I quit worrying about her.

As I was tucking Maisy, Wyatt, and James into bed (and talking to James about the tooth fairy some more) I kept thinking I heard heavy breathing coming from behind the boys' bunk bed. BUT I decided it was just Axel, who had lumbered up the steps behind me... he is a SUPER heavy breather.

I gave James a final kiss and turned out the light and then BAM.


Violet jumped out from behind the bunk bed and said, "TOOTH FAIRY!"

Kind of like someone would say "Bonzai!"

Wyatt, James, and I all simultaneously wet our pants.

In her little bitty hand she held a handful of pennies, which I think she was going to swap out for the tooth.

"Violet!" I said, "What are you doing?"

"I tooth fairy."

She had put on her Easter bunny ears and a sparkly princess robe (which she was using as a cape).
It was pretty darned adorable.

I would have stopped and taken a picture, had I not been completely shocked.

James looked at her and said, "You can just have my tooth. Mom, could you pay me $1 for it instead? I think that Violet really wants it."

I agreed. It just seemed easier that way.
