Just go on without me mom! Tell Grandma I love her!

The weather was so beautiful today. Perfect temperature, perfect amount of perfectly shaped clouds, perfect amount of wind.

Perfect Day.

When I got home from Parkland I checked the weather forecast and noticed that it's supposed to rain for like the rest of my life after today, so I decided that taking the kids to spend the day at Allerton would be a good idea.

I called my best friend Natalie and asked her if her son Kyle (James Henry's best friend), who is like family, wanted to come along with us - because 4 kids just wasn't enough....

When I told the kids we were going to Allerton, everyone cheered except for Wyatt. Wyatt said, "Ugh. oh no. This means exercise. MOM! Worst day ever."

Wyatt continued his tirade of negativity until we got to Allerton, he was momentarily halted by a snake spotting....but continued his rant throughout the day trip.

We started hiking about in the Foo Dog chamber, where we all stopped to pose for obligatory pictures with the Foo Dogs. Then I got this crazy idea.

"Hey guys, let's follow this forest trail around to the mansion. I haven't been on it forever."

Everyone, with the exception of Wyatt, yelled "YES! AWESOME."

Three miles later, having missed the trail that led to the mansion, I sadly noticed and tried to cover my folly.

"Hey guys, guess what? This trail actually leads to the centaur and then the Sunsinger. Isn't that awesome?"

to which Maisy countered: " But, isn't that like 3 more miles from here?"

to which I replied, "Kinda."

Dirty looks answered me.


All four kids stopped in the middle of the trail, hands on hips, and chewed me out. (Kyle stood aside and quietly witnessed the tirade)

It sounded like a combination of these four phrases (all yelled at the same time):
I'm not wearing the right shoes!
I've got to pee!
This is killing me, I'm going to die! I can't go on.
This is hell, isn't it. This is hell. (thanks for that one, Wyatt).

I managed to perk everyone up for a bit with a rousing round of "I'm going on a Bear Hunt." Violet recited that with gusto "AND I'M NOT SCARED!"

Until we ran into a nest of baby snakes.
Not one baby snake
Not two baby snakes.
Not even three.

A nest.

Suddenly she was scared. And so was I.

"Mama, Mama! HELP! CARRY ME!"

I scooped Violet up and we started running down that forest trail, being chased by James and Wyatt who were carrying baby snakes and laughing, "THIS IS WHAT YOU GET MOM! THIS IS WHAT YOU GET! YOU BRING US TO SOME WEIRD PARK WHERE THERE ARE STATUES OF NAKED MEN AND ENDLESS TRAILS OF HELL! YOU'RE GOING TO GET SNAKED."

Now, you all know I'm not a runner.

But I carried Violet and ran 1 solid mile without looking back. When I made it to the centaur and sat her down she said, "Oh mama, we alive! We alive!"

I echoed her sentiment.

When Kyle, James, Wyatt, and Maisy caught up with us they all applauded my sprint.

"wow, mom. I didn't know you could run like that. Does anyone know you can run like that?"

To which I answered, "Well, people don't normally chase me with snakes...so I guess, no."

Then our trip got especially grueling.

"Hey mom, look a marker. Let's see how far we've gone....."

"MOM! WE have walked almost 4 miles! 4 miles mom!"

"I know!" I said with a smile, "Isn't it amazing! Look how awesome you guys are!"

This inspired James and Kyle and they quickly hit their second win and started running to the sunsinger, which they could see at this point. Violet and I trudged along. Maisy stopped to pick some flowers and Wyatt laid down on the path and said,

"I can't do this anymore. I can't do it. Just go on without me, mom. Tell Grandma I love her."

Well, despite all of our stops and starts, we did end up making it all the way to the Sunsinger.


Were the first things they all said (with the exception of Kyle who was more impressed with the Sungsinger's huge butt).

So then, as I lay on the Sunsinger monument steps, exhausted and amused, I had to listen to 5 kids yell, "PENIS!" as loud as they could because they realized it echoed throughout the park.

The penis rant went on for a good five minutes.

Then they realized that we had to walk back.

Violet immediately wet her pants.

We decided to walk the road back, instead of the trail, and a couple of times cars went by and all five kids stuck their thumbs out, as well as their lips (in big pouts)...but I waved the people on, we were going to do this!

When we made it to the car, Violet ran up to it and hugged it. Then we all danced around it singing, "WE DID IT! WE DID IT!"

It was amazing.

I thought they would all fall asleep on the way home, but they didn't. Currently they are all out playing while I type this, and I feel as if I can't even move anymore.

It was such a horribly fun day.
