Violent Vi

Over the summer I bought Violet some roller skates.

There was much rejoicing.

We have a finished basement that doubles as a big playroom and a bedroom for Maisy and Wyatt. Violet spent most of her August days roller skating (or basically shuffling) all around the basement.

This bought us a lot of quiet time - because Violet pretty much talks non stop.

Well, it's been five months (or thereabouts) and she has managed to finally get good at the suckers. She's graduated to the upstairs dining room and likes to skate in circles on the hard wood floor. She only falls once in awhile, and then simply says, "AWESOME!"

When I watch Violet I'm often perplexed. I'm almost certain she isn't my child.

She's so fearless - when she wants to be.

Also, when I fall I break things (I have broken a wrist falling UP stairs and falling off of a gymnastic graceful).

She falls and the floor sounds like it might give way, then she just smiles "I'm okay!"

I would cry. A lot.

Her new favorite thing to do is push people while she's roller skating. If you happen across her while she's skating circles in the dining room, you better watch it - because she's gunning for you.

I made this mistake tonight while carrying a load of laundry.

I thought I was safe. She smiled at me and everything.

"Hey look at you! You're awesome, Violet." I said as I attempted to maneuver passed her towards the laundry room.

"I'm not Violet, I'm Violent Vi" and BOOM. Shoved me. Straight into the kitchen counter. Laundry everywhere.

I think I screamed.

"What in the world is wrong with you? Why would you do that to me?"

I said, rubbing my now bruised backside.

She just laughed. She just skated by me and laughed.

"I got you. I got you good!"

Boy, I guess.

After doing the laundry I attempted to sneak by her, as she was still circling in the dining room. I gave up the sneaking because she had her eye on me, and frankly...I was still sore from earlier.

 The other three kids were sitting frozen on the couch, scared to death to venture her direction.

Thankfully she tired herself out and we were all able to get back to living safe lives.

Sitting on the living room floor she took her skates off, blew out a big breath and said something that sounded like "blood sport" but I think what she really said (or at least I hope) was "gonna bust that floor." Either one is disturbing, really.

I guess I better get to studying up on Roller Derby, because my girl is gonna be a part of it. Everyone should start being scared to death now.
